The 5 Must-Do's in Dentistry

Interested in becoming an “A+” dental patient? Here are the 5 must-do’s:

  1. Brush: Brush twice a day for 2 minutes each session with a Sonicare: "The 2 minute each session is crucial," says Grossman. "If you are not spending 30 seconds per quadrant you are MISSING teeth. And, if you are not using a sonic brush, you are NOT doing as good of a job as if you would with a brush like Sonicare."

  2. Floss: You must floss, no if's and's or but's. flossing is crucial, otherwise, you leave food in between your teeth and when you sleep at night the bacteria go to town on the food, and start causing cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.

  3. Professional Cleanings: You have to see your dentist for a cleaning - preferably 3 times a year, at a bare minimum twice a year. Dental cleanings are like the oil change, it is the least expensive thing to do for your mouth that will enable your mouth to go many more years without expensive repair.

  4. Professional Exam: You need a dentist to look at your mouth every 6-12 months, look for the small things and get them fixed before they become big expensive and painful.

  5. Dental X-Rays: Most offices are digital, meaning that the radiation in taking four x-rays is 90% less than traditional x-rays on film. Catch the cavities early when the fix is simple and inexpensive.

Sydney Sharon