Tongue Health

You brush and floss twice a day, or at least I hope you do, but you could be doing your mouth a disservice if you aren't also attacking the bacteria living on your tongue.

Whether it's to fight bad breath or just for good dental health, cleaning your tongue is important.
What exactly makes the tongue a prime location for a bacteria block party? It’s the papillae, tiny bumps and grooves on the tongue, which everyone has, and it often captures food particles that rot away resulting in bad breath (halitosis). So this muscle must be cleaned in addition to your teeth and gums.

The ADA recommends brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes each. During this process, you should also lightly brush your tongue – and a tongue scrapper is the best option. I prefer the stainless steal type, which you can sterilize in the dishwasher!

Technique: Brush the scraper from the back of your tongue to the front, rinsing off residue as it builds up on the scraper. Once you've scraped your tongue, rinse your mouth with mouthwash to get rid of any loose residue. Be sure to clean your tongue once or twice per day with your regular brushing schedule

Sydney Sharon